LATEST NEWS » Conferences

2025 Caregiver Award

Jan 24, 2025 - 04:05 PM

Evolution 2025 logo. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Caregiver Award - up to $500 toward caregiver costs while attending the annual Evolution meeting (in person or virtually) - Deadline: March 15, 2025.

The SSE Caregiver Award is meant to assist members who have additional needs and responsibilities that can inhibit participation at the annual Evolution meeting. This award provides up to $500 to SSE members that need assistance in covering caregiver costs while attending the annual Evolution meeting in person or virtually. A "caregiver" is broadly defined and includes people caring for children or dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives), and people in need of personal assistance. This award can be spent as the awardee wishes to facilitate attendance. Learn more and apply by March 15!

Call for Proposals for Sponsored Symposia at Evolution 2025

Nov 05, 2024 - 01:35 PM

The 2025 Evolution meeting, the joint meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the American Society of Naturalists, and the Society of Systematic Biologists, will be held in two parts: a virtual portion on May 29-30, and an in-person portion on June 20-24 in Athens, GA, USA. 

SSE Council invites proposals for two sponsored symposia at the in-person meeting, and one at the virtual meeting. Symposia should highlight new topics, provide new perspectives, and/or generate new syntheses. Each in-person symposium will consist of two 75 minute sessions separated by a coffee break; the virtual symposium schedule will likely be the same or very similar. Applicants have the option to indicate whether they are willing to host their symposium in-person only, virtual only, or either.

SSE Council seriously considers the diversity of participants as a criterion for symposium funding. Symposium organizers are expected to take into account gender, seniority, nationality, and other axes of diversity traditionally underrepresented in Society symposia, and to describe their efforts to do so in the proposal. 

The Society provides travel support for organizers and participants in sponsored in-person symposia, up to $7000 USD per symposium. SSE will accept requests for additional funds for dependent care costs if this would allow a speaker to accept an invitation to speak in a sponsored symposium. For the virtual symposium, costs of speaker and organizer virtual-only registration will be covered, if necessary (those attending the in-person meeting get virtual registration included so do not need an extra virtual-only registration).

Deadline: January 6, 2025. Applicants will be notified by the end of January.

Learn more about how to submit a proposal here.

Field Gear Swap at in-person Evolution 2024

Jul 17, 2024 - 06:33 PM

Text: Evolution 2024 Field Gear Swap, Montreal, July 26-30, Diversity Committee Booth. Clip art of a button up shirt, flashlight, camp stove, and tent.

Join the field gear and clothing swap at Evolution 2024!

One barrier to entry for new evolutionary biologists can be the cost of field clothing and gear. To help reduce these barriers, the society Diversity Committees are hosting a field clothing and gear swap!

If you have field gear or clothes in good condition that you no longer use, and you think someone else could make use of them, please bring them to the in-person portion of the 2024 Evolution meeting in Montreal! These items could be clothing, tents, camp stoves, headlamps, camp chairs, binoculars, compasses, shovels, butterfly nets, or anything that could help a fellow field researcher.

There will be bins set up at the Tri-Society DEI booth, and people are welcome to come by anytime to grab something that may be of interest. Used clothing and gear in decent shape will happily be accepted, but if you’re feeling extra generous, we also welcome donations of new items. Any gear that has been in contact with plants and/or soil should be fully sterilized. See you in Montreal!

Call for EvoAllies at Evolution 2024

Jun 04, 2024 - 03:03 PM

The Evolution Code of Conduct commtitee is recruiting new EvoAllies for the Evolution meetings as part of our Safe Evolution initiative. The goal of the program is to improve the climate at the meetings, making them more welcoming for everyone. It is not enforcement (we have a safety officer to investigate and sanctioning committee to put in place any sanctions if warranted), but rather to help de-escalate situations, direct people to resources to help them, and to identify any problems.

People who sign up and are selected must attend a two hour online training on June 11, at 11 am US Eastern time (3 pm UTC, 8 am US Pacific) by members of the UT CLIMBS team and members of the Code of Conduct Committee.

We want to recruit people with a variety of life experiences, perspectives, and career stages. Our goal is to make people feel safe at the meeting; to that end, if you are facing or have faced questions about your possible misconduct, or have other reasons why your selection would be controversial, we ask that you do not sign up.

Applications will be evaluated by a subset of members of the Code of Conduct Committee and current EvoAllies. Applications close June 7 at 5 pm US Eastern time; chosen applicants will be notified by June 10 at noon US Eastern time. 

Submit your application here by June 7 at 5 pm Eastern. 

Story Collider at Evolution 2024: Call for Pitches

Apr 22, 2024 - 12:18 PM

Text: Evolution 2024, Story Collider Presents Throughout the Distribution, July 27, 2024 @ 7:00 PM, Pitches due May 17. An array of cartoon organisms and DNA. An old fashioned microphone.

SSE, ASN, ESEB, and SSB are teaming up with The Story Collider for a science storytelling show on July 28th as part of the in-person portion of the 2024 Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Evolution 2024)! The theme for this event is “Throughout the Distribution," and it will feature 5 stories from 5 different viewpoints that represent the diversity of experiences in evolutionary biology.


The only requirement is that the story must be about you. We’re seeking true stories about your personal experiences with science to be included in the show. These must be stories—not lectures—with a beginning, middle, and end in which you undergo a change. 

All you need at this point is the seed of an idea for your story. It can be about almost anything:

- Perseverance and obstacles overcome (whether professional or scientific)
- Expectations upended
- Finding community, belonging, or acceptance in biology
- Adventure and danger
- Having your perspective changed 
- Being in over your head or a rough day in the field
- Conquering fears
- Finding work/life balance
- Being inspired
- Standing up for yourself
- An important experiment
- Misadventure, love, or loss
- How you first fell in love with science
- How your work has affected your personal life 

Primarily, the producers will look for a strong story arc – a change that takes place in the storyteller from beginning to the end. The Story Collider producers will help you develop this idea into an eight-to ten-minute-long story. For further inspiration, you can listen to examples of our last Story Collider Event in 2019 on SoundCloud. 

How to apply:

If you’re interested, please email the Story Collider producers at by May 17th, 2024 and include a short (1-2 paragraphs) summary of your story and “Evolution 2024" in the subject line. 

Deadline: May 17th, 2024

If selected, the Story Collider producers will help you develop this idea into an eight-to ten-minute-long story in the weeks leading up to the show. The storytellers will perform their stories at the Story Collider event at 7:00 pm on July 28th at the in-person portion of the Evolution 2024 meeting in Montreal.

This event is organized by the SSE Diversity Committee, the ESEB Equal Opportunities Committee, the ASN Diversity Committee, and the SSB DEI Committee. Email the SSE Diversity Committee (diversity [at] or Misha Gajewski, Story Collider Managing Producer (mishagajewski [at] with any questions. We look forward to hearing your stories at Evolution 2024!

Evolution 2024 Global Meeting Participation

Mar 26, 2024 - 12:27 PM

An outline of Montreal landmarks. The Evolution 2024 logo. Text: Evolution 2024, Society for the Study of Evolution Global Meeting Participation, June 27-28.

We are pleased to offer free registration for the virtual portion of the Evolution 2024 meeting (June 27-28) to SSE members from 152 countries and territories around the world. All members who joined through the Global Membership Assistance Program are eligible. Meeting registration codes will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Learn more and apply here.

Register now for the International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

Oct 29, 2023 - 04:26 PM

SSE International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

进化研究学会 (SSE)国际研讨会之“东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会”

演化研究學會 (SSE)國際研討會之“東亞及東南亞中文學者研討會”


Text: Society for the Study of Evolution International Symposia Series, International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia, 11 November 2023 via Zoom. Register for free by 10 November. SSE logo.

SSE International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia 
Saturday, 11 November, 10:00 - 15:15 China Standard Time (UTC+08:00)
Conducted via Zoom

This is a free bilingual symposium where participants will hear from featured speakers Bing Yang, Shengnan Zhang, Xin Dang, Yun Hsiao, Xianting Huang, Qi Liu, Kai Wei, and Shu-Miaw Chaw. Following the talks, join a discussion of the challenges and opportunities of doing evolutionary biology research in East and Southeast Asia.

Participants can gain insights on publishing in Evolution during a panel with Associate Editors Jen-Pan Huang and Suhua Shi, and the Evolution English Language Support Program editor Sishuo Wang on November 13 at 10:00 China Standard Time (UTC+08:00).

This symposium and panel are part of the SSE International Symposia Series

More information about the symposium speakers, schedule, and panel is available on the SSE website.

Register by November 10 for free to reserve your spot!

If you are unable to access the Google form above, please register via Qualtrics here.


INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA SERIES 国际研讨会系列 之 东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会 2023年11月11日 Zoom线上活动 请于11月10日前免费注册.

进化研究学会 (SSE)国际研讨会之“东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会”



本次研讨会及专家交流会都是进化研究学会 (SSE)国际研讨会系列的一部分。有关研讨会报告人、日程安排和专家交流会的更多信息,请访问进化研究学会 (SSE)的网站。




SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA SERIES 国际研讨会系列 之 东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会 2023年11月11日 Zoom线上活动 请于11月10日前免费注册

演化研究學會 (SSE)國際研討會之“東亞及東南亞中文學者研討會”



本次研討會及專家交流會都是演化研究學會 (SSE)國際研討會系列的一部分。有關研討會報告人、日程安排和專家交流會的更多信息,請訪問演化研究學會 (SSE)的網站。



SSE International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

Sep 05, 2023 - 03:44 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution, International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers from East and Southeast Asia, 11 November 2023, via Zoom. Apply to be a speaker by September 29. SSE logo.

SSE is pleased to announce the call for speakers for the International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers from East and Southeast Asia on November 11, 2023. SSE invites Mandarin-speaking evolutionary biologists of all career stages from East and Southeast Asia to apply to share their research in this free, virtual event.

Instructions for how to apply can be found here

Deadline to apply: September 29, 2023

International Symposium (国际研讨会系列)<br />
之<br />
东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会<br />
2023年11月11日<br />
Zoom线上活动<br />

我们很高兴的宣布,进化研究学会 (SSE) 现正式为将于 2023 年 11 月 11 日举行的“东亚和东南亚中文学者国际研讨会”召集报告人。SSE真诚地邀请来自东亚和东南亚的,各个职业生涯阶段的中文进化生物学家,来申请在这个免费的线上研讨会中分享他们的研究成果。



International Symposium (國際研討會系列)<br />
之<br />
東亞及東南亞中文學者研討會<br />
2023年11月11日<br />
Zoom線上活動<br />

我們很高興的宣布,演化研究學會 (SSE) 現正式為將於 2023 年 11 月 11 日舉行的“東亞和東南亞中文學者國際研討會”召集報告人。 SSE真誠地邀請來自東亞和東南亞的,各個職業生涯階段的中文進化生物學家,來申請在這個免費的線上研討會中分享他們的研究成果。



Now Accepting Symposium Proposals for Evolution 2024

Aug 09, 2023 - 11:00 AM

Logos for ESEB, SSE, ASN, SSB, and Evolution Meetings. Simplified skyline of Montreal. Text: Third Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montreal, Canada, July 26-30, 2024, Proposals due September 1.

The Evolution meeting organizers are pleased to issue this call for symposia proposals for the Third Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, which will take place in Montreal, Canada, July 26-30, 2024.

The Congress merges the traditions of the participating societies: the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB); the American Society of Naturalists (ASN); the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB); and the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE). The sextennial Congress takes the place of the ESEB and Evolution Meetings in 2024, and it builds on the success of the previous Congresses in Ottawa in 2012 and Montpellier in 2018. 

The structure of this Congress will be unique. Roughly 40% of talks will be structured into symposia, following the traditional ESEB format. The remaining 60% of talks will be structured into general sessions according to topic, following the traditional Evolution meetings format. The success of the joint meeting therefore depends on the strength and range of the symposia complementing the standard sessions. 

We are now asking members of all four participating societies to submit symposium proposals.  This is an opportunity to create a session that pushes your field forward and draws new researchers into its orbit. Symposia play a special role in bringing together researchers from disparate disciplines and backgrounds and generating new integrative perspectives. Symposia should transcend the conventional themes of standard meeting sessions. The deadline for proposals is September 1, 2023. 

Learn more and submit your proposal here.

Register now for the International Symposium for South Asia

Jul 26, 2023 - 12:32 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution, Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists, International Symposium for South Asia, 2 August 2023 via Zoom, Register for free by 31 July. Logos for ISEB and SSE.

Register now for the SSE International Symposium for South Asia!

The symposium will be conducted via Zoom on Wednesday, August 2nd, from 9:30 - 15:00 India Standard Time (IST). Registration is free but required.

This symposium and workshop are part of the SSE International Symposia SeriesThis symposium is organized in collaboration with the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists (ISEB). Participants will hear from featured speakers Vivek Keshri, Aritra Biswas, Mariam Mohammad Hashim, Pratibha Sanjenbam, Sudipta Tung, Ruchishree Konhar, Eapsa Berry, and Riddhiman Dhar. Following the talks, join a discussion of the challenges and opportunities of doing evolutionary biology research in South Asia.

Participants can gain insights on publishing in Evolution during a virtual workshop led by Associate Editors Kavita Jain, Sutirth Dey, and NG Prasad on August 3 at 10:00 IST. 

Learn more about the symposium speakers, schedule, and workshop

Register for free by July 31 for free to reserve your spot!

Register button.

SSE Business Meeting and Members Forum at Evolution 2023

Jun 18, 2023 - 12:23 PM

Evolution 2023, Albuquerque, NM, Society for the Study of Evolution Members Forum, Thursday, June 22, 1:15 - 2:15 PM San Miguel 215, How can we better serve the global community of evolutionary biologists? We want to hear from you.

If you are attending the in-person portion of Evolution 2023 in Albuquerque, NM, please join us for the 2023 SSE Annual Membership Business Meeting & Open Forum on Thursday, June 22 from 1:15 to 2:15 PM in San Miguel/Room 215. 

This year we will use our time to not only share updates on the society’s activities over the past year, but also to 
solicit ideas and feedback from members on how to better serve the global community of scientists that SSE aims to provide a forum for through its programs, conferences, and journals. The discussion will be led by members of the SSE Executive council, the International Committee, and the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC).

On the list for discussion:
- future iterations of the recent International Symposium (organized by GSAC)
- virtual options for upcoming annual meetings, including next year’s joint Evolution meeting in Montreal (hosted in partnership with The European Society for Evolutionary Biology). 

Do you have ideas for how SSE can improve its positive impact, internationally? Have you participated in recent programs (e.g., EELS) or activities (e.g., mixers) sponsored by SSE to increase participation across the globe? What programs are working well and what else would you like to see happen? We want to hear from you! Please join us for this brief update and community discussion. Lunch not provided.

Call for Speakers: International Symposium

Jun 08, 2023 - 02:22 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution International Symposium for India and neighboring regions, August 2, 2023 via Zoom. Apply to be a speaker by June 30. Logos for ISEB and SSE.

We are pleased to announce the second SSE International Symposium, organized in collaboration with the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists (ISEB) and set for August 2, 2023. This event will be aimed at India and neighboring regions and will be conducted in English. We are now accepting applications for speakers.

The symposium will be followed by a workshop on how to publish articles in Evolution the following day. This workshop will be taught by the Evolution Associate Editors Kavita Jain (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research), Sutirth Dey (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune), and NG Prasad (Indian Institute of  Science Education and Research Mohali).

SSE invites India-based scholars and those from neighboring regions to apply to be a speaker of this event. You do not have to be a member of either SSE or ISEB, but this is encouraged. If you are not a member of SSE, you can receive free or discounted membership through the Global Membership Assistance Program.

We aim to showcase the work on evolutionary biology of six early-career researchers (15-min talks) and two senior researchers (30-min talks) working in India and neighboring regions. All speakers will receive a USD 200 honorarium.

If you would like to participate as a speaker, please email us the following information as a single PDF to before June 30, 2023:

     - Motivation letter (1 page max.), please include:
             - Name 
             - Pronouns
             - Affiliation
             - Career stage
             - Tentative topic of the talk
             - Motivation to participate in the symposium
      - CV

Deadline: June 30, 2023

The speakers will be selected covering several axes of diversity to guarantee a fair representation of the regional community in terms of gender, geographic location, subdisciplines, and study systems. We will inform the results of this call in the first week of July. If you have any questions, please contact us at

This event is organized by the SSE Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) in collaboration with the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists, with support from the SSE Council and the SSE International Committee.

SSE Presidential Symposium at Evolution 2023

May 27, 2023 - 05:31 PM

Text: Virtual Evolution 2023, SSE Presidential Symposium, Time does not heal all ills: the misuse of evolutionary biology as a driver of modern-day inequities, Friday June 2, 11:00 AM Eastern (GMT-4).

SSE Presidential Symposium
Time does not heal all ills: The misuse of evolutionary biology as a driver of modern-day inequalities
Friday, June 2, 11:00 AM Eastern (GMT-4)

As evolutionary biologists, we engage in research and scholarship to better understand the world around us, whether it be the origin of life, its relatedness, or responses to environmental change. And through our mentoring and education we seek to equip our students with the tools they need to also examine the world through the lens of evolution and change. This commitment to understanding change in the world around us must also extend to intentional examination of the historical and contemporary impact of our field on society and human history, even if those conversations are uncomfortable or painful. The history of our field of evolutionary biology includes extensive entanglement with eugenics and white supremacy, and thus has served as a driver of social inequality. To this day, genetic research and the concept of genetic determinism are misused by white supremacists and distributed in the popular media. 

The focus of this symposium will be an examination of modern evolutionary genetic research and what it can, or cannot, tell us about variation, origins, and evolution. Speakers will address issues in three broad areas: i) the historical role of evolution as a promoter of inequality, ii) present-day challenges, and iii) best practices and future directions. The symposium will conclude with a moderated panel discussion including all speakers, who will address questions from the audience.

Local Undergraduate Day at Evolution 2023

May 04, 2023 - 02:54 PM

Background: Aerial photo of downtown Albuquerque. The Evolution 2023 meeting logo. Text: Local Undergraduate Day. Mentoring and free 1-day registration for Albuquerque students at Evolution 2023. Apply by May 30.

SSE is sponsoring registration costs for ten local (i.e., within ~100 miles of Albuquerque) undergraduate students to attend the Evolution 2023 conference in Albuquerque, NM for one day (June 24). Undergraduates selected for this opportunity will be paired with graduate student or postdoc mentors from around the world to help them navigate through the meeting and answer any questions they may have both before and during the event. Accepted students will receive free registration for the day, but participants will be responsible for their own transportation to the Albuquerque Convention Center and any food they purchase. Interested undergraduate students should apply by May 30 here.

Interested in mentoring? Graduate students or postdocs interested in mentoring should apply here.

Early registration deadline for in-person Evolution 2023 extended to May 15

May 01, 2023 - 02:21 PM

Text: Evolution 2023. Register now!

Register now for the Evolution meeting! This is the joint annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Society of Systematic Biologists. The meeting is one of the premiere opportunities for sharing research on evolutionary biology each year.

Virtual: June 2-3
Albuquerque, NM: June 21-25

Registration for the in-person portion includes access to the virtual portion.
Early-bird discounts for in-person registration have been extended through May 15!

Red register now button

Inscríbete ya al Simposio Internacional

Oct 12, 2022 - 09:40 PM

Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad para el Estudio de la Evolución

Read this post in English here.

Con el propósito de celebrar la diversidad de los miembros internacionales y reforzar los lazos con la comunidad global de biólogos evolutivos, la Sociedad para el Estudio de la Evolución (Society for the Study of Evolution - SSE) organizará una serie virtual y gratuita de simposios internacionales en diferentes idiomas y zonas horarias.

El primer Simposio Internacional de SSE se celebrará el miércoles 26 de octubre de 2022 y estará dirigido a la comunidad hispanohablante de Latinoamérica. Las charlas serán en español y contarán con traducción simultánea español-inglés. 

Este simposio es organizado en colaboración con la Sociedad Chilena de Evolución (SOCEVOL), Asociación Colombiana de Biología Evolutiva (COLEVOL), Sociedad Argentina de Biología Evolutiva (SABE), Red Mexicana de Biología Evolutiva (ReMBE) y Club Eco-Evo Latinoamérica.

Las inscripciones al simposio y taller estarán abiertas hasta el martes 25 de octubre de 2022. Para registrate, diligencia el siguiente formulario:

Continúa leyendo para más información.

International Symposium: Register Now

Oct 11, 2022 - 03:46 PM

Text: International Symposium. Society for the Study of Evolution. October 26, 2022. Workshop on publishing in Evolution: October 27, 2022. Register for free by October 25. Logos for SSE, SocEvol, ColEVol, Sabe, ReMBE, and Club Eco Evo Latinoamerica.

International Symposium of the Society for the Study of Evolution

Haga clic aquí para leer este anuncio en español.

To celebrate the diversity of the international membership and strengthen ties with the global community of evolutionary biologists, the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) will host a free virtual series of international symposia in different languages and time zones.

The first SSE International Symposium will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 and will be aimed at the Spanish-speaking community in Latin America. The talks will be in Spanish with simultaneous Spanish-English translation. 

This symposium is organized in collaboration with the Sociedad Chilena de Evolución (SOCEVOL), Asociación Colombiana de Biología Evolutiva (COLEVOL), Sociedad Argentina de Biología Evolutiva (SABE), Red Mexicana de Biología Evolutiva (ReMBE) and Club Eco-Evo Latinoamérica.

Registration for the symposium and workshop will be open until Tuesday, October 25, 2022. To register, please fill out the following form:

Button to register for the symposium

Continue reading for more information about the speakers and schedule.

Sponsored Symposia deadline extended to September 15

Sep 01, 2022 - 12:05 PM

Green background with white arrows. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution. Sponsored Symposia. Evolution 2023, Albuquerque, NM. Deadline extended: September 15, 2022.

Do you have a topic you'd like to see covered at the 2023 Evolution Meeting? Consider submitting a proposal for SSE's Sponsored Symposia! SSE Council seeks proposals that highlight new topics, provide new perspectives, or generate new syntheses. This symposia will consist of six half-hour talks.

SSE Council seriously considers the diversity of participants as a criterion for symposium funding. Symposium organizers are expected to take into account gender, seniority, nationality, and other axes of diversity traditionally underrepresented in Society symposia, and to describe their efforts in the proposal. 

The Society provides travel support for organizers and participants in sponsored symposia up to $9000 per symposium, plus any applicable costs. SSE will accept requests for additional funds for dependent care costs if this would allow a speaker to accept an invitation to speak in a sponsored symposium.

Learn more and submit your proposal by September 15, 2022.

Simposio Internacional: Llamado para postularse como conferencistas

Aug 31, 2022 - 02:53 PM

El texto: Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad para el Estudio de la Evolución. 26 de octubre de 2022. Postúlate como conferencista antes del 16 de septiembre de 2022. Los logos de la Sociedad Chilena de Evolución, la Asociación Colombiana de Biología Evolutiva, la Sociedad Argentina de Biología Evolutiva y el Club Eco-Evo Latinoamérica.

Llamado para postularse como conferencistas
Fecha: Miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022

La Sociedad para el Estudio de la Evolución (Society for the Study of Evolution - SSE) es una organización internacional que promueve el entendimiento de la biología evolutiva y sus subdisciplinas. Entre sus actividades, se destacan la publicación de las revistas Evolution y Evolution Letters y la organización anual de la conferencia Evolution

Con el propósito de celebrar la diversidad de sus miembros internacionales y reforzar sus lazos con la comunidad global de biólogos evolutivos, SSE organizará una serie virtual y gratuita de simposios internacionales en diferentes idiomas y zonas horarias.

El primer Simposio Internacional de SSE estará dirigido a la comunidad hispanohablante de Latinoamérica y contará con traducción simultánea español-inglés. Este evento será organizado en colaboración con la Sociedad Chilena de Evolución (SOCEVOL), la Asociación Colombiana de Biología Evolutiva (COLEVOL), la Sociedad Argentina de Biología Evolutiva (SABE) y el Club Eco-Evo Latinoamérica.

El simposio será seguido de un taller sobre cómo publicar artículos en la revista Evolution, dirigido por los editores asociados Nicole Valenzuela (Iowa State University), Santiago Ramírez (University of California Davis), Aida Gómez-Robles (University College London) y Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitia (University of Hong Kong).

SSE invita a sus miembros a postularse como conferencistas de este evento. Pretendemos destacar el trabajo en biología evolutiva conducido por investigadores jóvenes (estudiantes de posgrado e investigadores postdoctorales) y académicos establecidos (líderes de grupos de investigación y profesores universitarios) en Latinoamérica. Todos los conferencistas recibirán un honorario por su participación:

Investigador joven: 6 charlas, 15 min,* honorarios de USD 100
Investigador senior: 2 charlas, 30 min,*  honorarios de USD 200

* Sin incluir el tiempo para preguntas.

Si estás interesado en participar en este evento como conferencista, por favor envíanos los siguientes datos en un único archivo de PDF al correo electrónico antes del 16 de septiembre de 2022:

    - CV
    - Carta de motivación de máximo 1 página describiendo:
          - Pronombres, estadio profesional (investigador joven o senior) e instituciones de afiliación.
          - Experiencia de investigación en biología evolutiva en Latinoamérica.
          - Descripción breve y general del tema tentativo de la charla.
          - Motivación para participar en el evento.

Si aún no eres miembro de SSE, puedes unirte aquí. SSE ofrece membresías gratuitas o con descuento para biólogos evolutivos en 152 países y territorios, incluyendo Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela.

Los conferencistas serán elegidos cubriendo varios ejes de diversidad para garantizar una representación equitativa de la comunidad de biólogos evolutivos latinoamericanos. Los resultados del proceso de selección se conocerán el 22 de septiembre. Si tienes alguna inquietud, no dudes en contactarnos.

SSE Members Open Forum at Evolution 2022

May 31, 2022 - 05:59 PM

A mottled blue background with white offset rectangles framing text. Text: Evolution 2022 Cleveland, OH. SSE Members Open Forum, Saturday June 25, 1:15 - 2:15 PM.

SSE Members Open Forum
Evolution 2022 - Cleveland, OH
Saturday, June 25, 1:15 - 2:15 PM

We want to hear from you!  All SSE members attending the in-person portion of the Evolution 2022 meeting in Cleveland, OH are invited to the SSE Members Open Forum.

SSE Council invites you to submit your questions and topics for discussion at the forum ahead of time. Want to know more about how SSE works? Want SSE leadership to discuss awards, publications, conferences, or other topics? Let us know!

We will cover as many as possible during the forum. Questions and topics will be accepted until June 15, 2022

Submit your questions and discussion topics here.

Call for Symposia for the 2023 Evolution Meeting

May 31, 2022 - 02:37 PM

The 2023 annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) is planned for June 21-25, 2023 in Albuquerque, NM, USA. The SSE Council invites proposals for one sponsored symposium at the meeting that highlights new topics, provides new perspectives, or generates new syntheses. This symposia will consist of six half-hour talks. 

Proposals are due September 1, 2022. Learn more.

Cleveland Museum of Natural History Visit

May 31, 2022 - 02:11 PM

Are you a graduate student planning on arriving in Cleveland slightly ahead of the meeting and looking for a way to get in the scientific mood while also exploring the city during the afternoon? Well, search no more, for the SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council(GSAC) is organizing a pre-meeting curator-led tour of Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s collections at 2:30pm on June 24th (meeting time 1:45pm). GSAC will cover the costs for entry and transport between the Huntington Convention Center and the Museum, so it is completely free. To participate, just fill out the following form: 

This event is limited to 20 graduate students, and the deadline to register is June 15th.

SSE Caregiver Awards - Deadline Extended to June 1

May 09, 2022 - 04:18 PM

The Society for the Study of Evolution recognizes that some of our members have additional needs and responsibilities that can inhibit participation at the annual Evolution meeting. Therefore SSE is excited to announce the Caregiver Award. In addition to providing free childcare at our meeting, SSE will be awarding up to $500 to SSE members who need assistance in covering caregiver costs while attending the annual Evolution meeting (in person or virtually). Eligibility for this award is broadly defined and includes anyone who cares for children, dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives), or people in need of personal assistance. This award can be spent as the awardee wishes to facilitate attendance. 

For example, this award can be used (but is not limited) to:

  • bring someone who is in your care to the Evolution meeting

  • bring someone who is helping to care for you to the Evolution meeting

  • cover the cost of dependent care while you attend virtually

  • cover the cost of dependent care at home while you travel

  • cover any extra accessibility costs associated with attending

Awardees can spend this money in whatever way will help alleviate the cost of caregiving. We anticipate up to 20 awards will be made available, depending on the number of applicants.

Apply here: application will close on June 1, 2022. 

Evolution Meetings Seek Assistant Meeting Officer for 2023

May 06, 2022 - 03:14 PM

White and dark blue background. Text: Now Seeking: Assistant Meeting Officer, Starting summer 2022 for the Evolution 2023 meeting in Albuquerque, NM. Logos: Evolution Meetings, Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, American Society of Naturalists.

The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), on behalf of the Joint ASN/SSB/SSE council, seeks a member of one or more of our societies to help plan and run our annual scientific conference – the Evolution meetings. Continue reading to learn more.

Evolution 2022 Early Registration Deadline Extended: May 15

May 02, 2022 - 04:22 PM

The Evolution 2022 meeting logo. The words Evolution 2022 in white across a blue oval showing a fish fossil and the word Cleveland.

The deadline to register for the 2022 Evolution meeting at discounted early-bird rates has been extended to May 15, 2022. 

Evolution 2022 will be our first hybrid meeting, with a 2-day virtual conference (June 21-22) followed by the standard in-person conference (June 24-28) at the Huntington Convention Center in downtown Cleveland, OH. You can register to attend virtually or in-person, with the latter also including access to all virtual components. Virtual registrants can also view live-streamed portions of the in-person conference.

Virtual attendees can:

- Access the virtual platform
- View 2 days of faux-live talks 
- Present a faux-live talk (recorded ahead of time, presented at a scheduled time, and available for 6 months)
- Watch live-streamed events from the in-person part of the meeting, including:
     - All the plenaries, including the SSE Presidential Address, Gould Prize talk, and IDEA Award talk
     - All the symposia, including the W. D. Hamilton Award finalists talks, Dobzhansky Prize talk, and tri-society DEI symposium
     - The Evolution’s Rainbow talk series on the diversity of sex, sexuality, and gender in nature
- View faux-live and pre-recorded talks and recordings of live-streamed events on the virtual platform for 6 months following the meeting

In-person attendees can:

- Access the the in-person part of the meeting in Cleveland, OH
- Present an in-person talk or poster
- Upload a pre-recorded version of their talk to the virtual platform
- Attend in-person workshops and networking events (see below)
- Attend the plenaries, symposia, and special events like the Evolution’s Rainbow talk series
- View faux-live and pre-recorded talks and recordings of live-streamed events on the virtual platform for 6 months following the meeting

Early-bird rates for SSE members: 

Professional      Virtual $125      In-person $520
Postdoc              Virtual $50       In-person $435

Student              Virtual $20        In-person $350

Register Now!

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