Awards & Grants: T. H. Huxley Award for evolution outreach and education

Contributed by kjm34 on Aug 18, 2022 - 12:34 PM

Chalkboard with an apple and school supplies. Text: 2022 Society for the Study of Evolution. T.H. Huxley Award. Applications due September 15.

The SSE Education Committee is pleased to announce the 2022 T.H. Huxley award [1], named in honor of Darwin's very public supporter, which recognizes and promotes the development of high quality evolution education resources. If you have an interesting project or educational activity to share, consider applying for this award. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to apply. 

This award provides funding for an SSE member to present evolution education resources at the National Association of Biology Teachers [2] (NABT) annual conference. This year’s NABT conference will be held November 10-13, 2022 in Indianapolis, IN. Awardees may instead present at an alternative education-focused conference with approval from the Education and Outreach Committee.

The application form will be posted on the website when available. Applications will be due September 15. Learn more [3]
