Awards & Grants: 2020 GREG - R.C. Lewontin Early Award Recipients

Contributed by kjm34 on Jul 15, 2020 - 01:05 PM

Congratulations to the 2020 GREG - R.C. Lewontin Early Award recipients! These awards are to assist students in the early stages of their Ph.D. programs. These grants are part of the Graduate Research Excellence Grants award program. [1] 

R.C. Lewontin Award in memory of George Gilchrist:* 
Makenzie Whitener, University of Georgia. Advisor: Andrea Sweigart

McCall Calvert, University of Pittsburgh. Advisor: Corlett Wood
Regan Cross, Queen's University. Advisor: Christopher Eckert
Victor de Brito, Western Michigan Univeristy. Advisor: Devin Bloom
Jenna DeCurzio, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Advisor: Christina Burch
Matthew Farnitano, University of Georgia. Advisor: Andrea Sweigart
Samantha Goldman, Cornell University. Advisor: Andrew Moeller
Diler Haji, University of California, Berkeley. Advisor: Noah Whiteman
Kelsie Hunnicutt, University of Denver. Advisor: Erica Larson
Will Jarvis, University of Ottawa. Advisor: Howard Rundle
Sungsik Kong, The Ohio State University. Advisor: Laura Kubatko
Emily Lau, University of California Santa Barbara. Advisor: Todd Oakley
Michelle McCauley, Emory University. Advisor: Levi Morran
Theresa Miorin, University of Georgia. Advisor: Kelly Dyer
Benjamin Moran, Stanford University. Advisor: Molly Schumer
Emily Nonnamaker, The University of Notre Dame. Advisor: Elizabeth Archie
Klara Norden, Princeton University. Advisor: Mary C. Stoddard
Kennedy Omufwoko, Princeton University. Advisor: Sarah Kocher
Ian Rines, Illinois State University. Advisor: Ben Sadd
Srijan Seal, Ashoka University. Advisor: Imroze Khan
Ruben Tovar, The University of Texas at Austin. Advisor: David Hillis
Adrian Troya, Universidade Federal do Parana. Advisor: John Lattke
Mackenzie Urquhart-Cronish, University of British Columbia. Advisor: Amy Angert

*This award was funded by donations to the George Gilchrist Student Support Fund [2].

This year, SSE requested voluntary demographic information from award applicants in an effort to address bias and promote equity in awarding across multiple axes of diversity. Visit the R.C. Lewontin Early Award page [3] to learn more. 
