Awards & Grants: Small Grants for Local and Regional Outreach Recipients

Contributed by kjm34 on Feb 21, 2020 - 04:37 PM

Congratulations to the 2020 recipients of the Small Grants for Local and Regional Outreach Promoting the Understanding of Evolutionary Biology [1]!

Rebecca Brewer, Michigan State University; Models for Evolution
Travis Hagey, Mississippi University for Women; Hominid Skull Replicas
Angela Hung, Prairie State College; Darwin Day at Prairie State College
Javier Monzon, Pepperdine University; STEM with Skulls: An Outreach Activity to Promote Children’s Understanding of Evolutionary Science
Barbora Trubenova, Institute of Science and Technology Austria; Correspondence competition in evolutionary biology STEB with a short summer school
Matt Wilkins, Vanderbilt University; Evolution of Female Birdsong Across the Tree of Life
Kristin M. Winchell, Washington University; Sci-Comm and Sci-Art for Urban Evolution 
