Other: Call for SSE Blog Editor Fellow Applications

Contributed by kjm34 on Aug 22, 2018 - 03:22 AM

The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) is pleased to announce a call for applicants to the position of Blog Editor Fellow to begin January 1, 2019. The Blog Editor Fellow will create and curate a blog highlighting the effective and essential work SSE members are doing to engage and educate the public and to interface with other SSE members. The Blog Editor Fellow will solicit, manage, and publish at least three articles per month from regular contributors, and will write one editorial per month on a topic of their choosing. The fellowship stipend will be $6,000 USD per year. Applications close October 1, 2018. Continue reading for more information.

About the Blog Editor Fellowship
Public engagement and dissemination of evolutionary understanding has perhaps never been more critical, and many factors are leading evolutionary biologists to work in science communication. As such, it serves the Society’s mission to support the development of evolutionary science communicators. Additionally, communication among our membership is critical to maintaining and further nurturing the SSE community. To these ends, SSE has committed to financially supporting the creation of a professional, functional blog and to staffing this initiative with an SSE member who shows great promise in science communication. The selected individual will serve a one‐year term as editor (extending to a second year with satisfactory performance). Other applicants not selected for the editorship will have the opportunity to contribute posts in the following two years.


Blog Content Examples
We propose the blog be a site to highlight the effective and essential work SSE members are doing to engage and educate the public and to interface with other SSE members.

Potential posts could:

Editor Fellow Stipend
The SSE editor fellow will receive a stipend of $6000 in four disbursements (the end of March, June, September, and December). At each disbursement time, the selection committee and editor fellow will evaluate both the blog’s and the fellow’s performance and discuss the blog’s direction over the next quarter.

Please note the stipend is taxable income.

Application Instructions
SSE members interested in a career in science communication are asked to submit applications via email to gsac@evolutionsociety.org [1] by October 1, 2018. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of three GSAC members, one Education and Outreach Committee member, and one executive Council member. The fellowship stipend will be $6,000 USD per year. The fellowship will begin January 1, 2019. Application materials will include 1) a CV, 2) a personal statement, and 3) a portfolio of science writing content. All materials must be submitted as a single PDF titled: APPLICANTS_LAST_NAME_EDITOR_FELLOW_APPLICATION_2018. The editor fellow will commit to providing structural documents and general guidance to the editor fellow who follows their term. We encourage applications from the whole community, including early-career researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups in STEM.


  1. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/mailto:gsac@evolutionsociety.org
  2. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/'https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/tag/new-faculty-profile/'