Outreach: Host a teacher in your lab this summer!

Contributed by kjm34 on Mar 08, 2018 - 12:15 PM

The SSE Education and Outreach Committee is launching a new program to place teachers in research labs for part of the summer, and we need society members like you to host teachers! Scientists in host labs are asked to work with the teacher to engage them in some aspect of a research project for 4-8 weeks. This program will give teachers funded, hands-on experiences that they can then take back to their classrooms. Continue reading to learn more about the program and how to get involved!

Dear SSE Members,

We need you!  The SSE Education and Outreach Committee is partnering with Wiley Publishers and the National Association of Biology Teachers to provide funded opportunities for teachers to join a research lab for part of the summer, and then come to the annual meeting the following year. The program will begin this summer, 2018.

We are now ready to take applications from teachers and scientists and we need society members like you!! If you are interested in hosting a teacher in your lab for part of the 2018 summer, please contact Louise Mead (lsmead@msu.edu) or fill out the (very) brief application here: https://tinyurl.com/TeacherRevSSE [1]

What is expected of participating SSE members: Scientists (or lab postdocs and graduate students) are asked to work with the teacher to engage the teacher in some aspect of a research project.  Teachers will be expected to spend at least 4 and up to 8 weeks in a lab (or at a field station) for this mentored research experience. In addition, teachers will develop a Data Nugget (www.Datanugget.org [2]) based on research taking place in the lab - a great opportunity for broader impacts!

Please note, if you are currently working with a teacher and would like them to participate formally in the program, we can consider this option.

Louise Mead
Chair, SSE Education and Outreach Committee

  1. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/https://tinyurl.com/TeacherRevSSE
  2. http://www.datanugget.org/
  3. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/'https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/tag/outreach/'