Other: AIBS Professional Development Program on Interdisciplinary Science

Contributed by kjm34 on Sep 22, 2017 - 03:31 PM

Science is a “team sport”! Learn how to be a better team player in this upcoming workshop from AIBS, “Enabling Interdisciplinary and Team Science: A Professional Development Program.” The workshop is November 7-8 in Washington, DC. Participants will learn to create effective teams and team culture, develop a shared vision, mission, plan, and key performance indicators, and learn tools such as quality improvement cycle and knowledge mapping. SSE members can receive $55 off registration by emailing communications@evolutionsociety.org [1] stating their intent to register. Learn more and register here: https://www.aibs.org/events/team_science_event.html [2]

  1. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/mailto:communications@evolutionsociety.org
  2. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/https://www.aibs.org/events/team_science_event.html
  3. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/'https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/tag/new-faculty-profile/'