Conferences: Abstract Submissions Open for Evolution 2018

Contributed by kjm34 on Nov 07, 2017 - 02:44 PM

We are happy to announce that abstract submission is now open for next year's 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France (18-22 August 2018). Joint Congresses take place every six years and bring together four of the world's largest academic societies in the field of evolutionary biology: the European Society for Evolutionary Biology [1], the American Society of Naturalists [2], the Society for the Study of Evolution [3] and the Society of Systematic Biologists [4].

Following the traditional format of ESEB conferences, all contributed talks and posters will be submitted to specific symposia and selected on the basis of their abstract by symposium organizers.

The list of symposia is available at: [5]

Abstract Submission
You can consult the list and submit an application to give a talk or poster to the symposia of your choice. You can submit applications to
up to two symposia from the list. Note that if none of the topics covered by the thematic symposia matches your research, you have the option to submit your abstract to the ‘Open symposium’ (also in the list).

In order to allow as many participants as possible to present their work, and in line with ESEB tradition, participants can submit only one abstract as the presenting author (i.e. the person who will present the talk/poster). There is no limit, however, to the number of talks/posters a given person may coauthor.

The symposium organizers of both your first and second choice will examine your proposal and make a selection. Symposium organizers will establish a priority list for abstracts accepted as oral communications and will offer the option of presenting a poster instead of a talk for the abstracts that do not fit in that list. Abstracts may be rejected if they are of insufficient quality, but our general policy is to accept most poster presentations. You will be chosen to present either a talk or a poster in a maximum of one symposium.

In order to submit an abstract for a talk or a poster click here [6].

Hamilton and Mayr Awards
If you are a graduate student, you will have the opportunity to compete for the Mayr Award and Hamilton Award. These awards, organized respectively by the SSB and SSE, will be given to the presenter of an outstanding student talk at the Joint meeting in Montpellier. If you want to compete for either of these awards, you have to submit your abstract to either the Mayr Award symposium or Hamilton Award symposium through the normal abstract submission procedure.

Graduate Student/Postdoc Travel Awards
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are eligible to apply for one of 100 $500 travel awards. To be eligible, you must 1) be a member of SSE and/or ASN, 2) present a talk or poster at the meeting, 3) not have received the travel award the previous year, AND 4) postdocs must be fewer than 6 years post-PhD without a permanent position. Applications are due January 17. Learn more here [7].

International Travel Stipends
Researchers from low-GDP countries at various stages of their careers are eligible to apply for an SSE International Travel Stipend. Applicants must be members of SSE, must not have received a travel award in the last 5 years, and must present a talk or poster at the meeting to be eligible. Applications are due January 31. Learn more here [8].

Important Dates:
November 6, 2017: Call for abstracts opens
January 15, 2018: Deadline for abstract submission (i.e. application to present a talk/poster)
January 17, 2018: Deadline for Graduate Student/Postdoc Travel Award applications
January 31, 2018: Deadline for International Travel Stipend applications
February 15, 2018: Notification of Graduate Student/Postdoc Travel Awards
February 28, 2018: Notification of International Travel Stipends; notification of abstract acceptance; pre-registration for presenters (talks and posters) opens
March 12, 2018: Registration for all participants opens
March 26, 2018: Oral presentations of unregistered participants are cancelled

For further details, please see: [9]

Looking forward to meeting you in Montpellier in 2018!
