Other: Vote now in SSE Elections

Contributed by kjm34 on Nov 10, 2017 - 03:51 PM

The election of 2018 candidates for SSE offices (President, Secretary, Non-NA Vice President, and Council members) is now open. Elected candidates will serve beginning January 1. The SSE council is also proposing an amendment to Article 4 of the Society Constitution and Bylaws to 1) add two GSAC representatives to the Council as voting members with three-year terms and 2) conduct Council business via email. Voting will close on November 21.

The candidates for the election are:

Wayne Maddison, University of British Colombia
Mark Rausher, Duke University

Non-North American Vice President
Anna-Liisa Laine, University of Helsinki
Tracey Chapman, University of East Anglia

Stephen Wright, University of Toronto
Annie Leonard, University of Nevada Reno
Andrea Sweigart, University of Georgia
Amy Angert, University of British Colombia

John Stinchcombe, University of Toronto
The link below will take you to candidate statements of interest, CVs, and the proposed bylaws amendment.
Voting will close on Tuesday, November 21.


Thank you for your participation!

  1. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org//content/election/2018-candidate-statements.html
  2. https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/'https://aws3.evolutionsociety.org/tag/election/'