Conferences: Now Accepting Symposium Proposals for Evolution 2024

Contributed by kjm34 on Aug 09, 2023 - 11:00 AM

Logos for ESEB, SSE, ASN, SSB, and Evolution Meetings. Simplified skyline of Montreal. Text: Third Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montreal, Canada, July 26-30, 2024, Proposals due September 1.

The Evolution meeting [1] organizers are pleased to issue this call for symposia proposals for the Third Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, which will take place in Montreal, Canada, July 26-30, 2024.

The Congress merges the traditions of the participating societies: the European Society for Evolutionary Biology [2](ESEB); the American Society of Naturalists [3] (ASN); the Society of Systematic Biologists [4] (SSB); and the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE). The sextennial Congress takes the place of the ESEB and Evolution Meetings in 2024, and it builds on the success of the previous Congresses in Ottawa in 2012 and Montpellier in 2018. 

The structure of this Congress will be unique. Roughly 40% of talks will be structured into symposia, following the traditional ESEB format. The remaining 60% of talks will be structured into general sessions according to topic, following the traditional Evolution meetings format. The success of the joint meeting therefore depends on the strength and range of the symposia complementing the standard sessions. 

We are now asking members of all four participating societies to submit symposium proposals.  This is an opportunity to create a session that pushes your field forward and draws new researchers into its orbit. Symposia play a special role in bringing together researchers from disparate disciplines and backgrounds and generating new integrative perspectives. Symposia should transcend the conventional themes of standard meeting sessions. The deadline for proposals is September 1, 2023. 

Learn more and submit your proposal here [5].
