Publications: Call for Applications: Evolution Letters Editor in Chief

Contributed by kjm34 on May 23, 2022 - 07:52 AM

The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and the European Society for Evolutionary Biology [1] (ESEB) are looking for a new Editor in Chief for the journal Evolution Letters [2]. Evolution Letters was established in 2017 and is jointly run by the two societies. An Open Access journal, it aims to publish leading research from across the field of evolutionary biology.

The Editor in Chief is expected to be an established evolutionary biologist with a broad overview of the field. Main responsibilities are building on the initial success of the journal, fostering continued growth, with a focus on maintaining its quality and encouraging submission of the best research articles in the field. The Editor in Chief will oversee and work hand in hand with a board of Associate Editors, our publishers, and a Managing Editor.

Applications are due June 15, 2022. Continue reading to learn more.

The Editor in Chief is responsible for:

An estimated average of 10-15% of weekly time is dedicated to this position. Appointments are for a 4-year term. Location is flexible as most communication occurs electronically. An honorarium is paid. Academic publishing is undergoing significant changes, and we would wish the candidate to be enthusiastic in support of a Society journal and its aims by pursuing opportunities to improve its popularity, impact and strength during this period.

ESEB and SSE have an Evolution Letters Oversight Committee that has meetings with the Editor in Chief and the publisher. Ultimately, the Editor in Chief is managed by this committee, in interaction with the senior committees of the societies. There is considerable independence and freedom to develop the journal. The current (inaugural) Editor in Chief, Jon Slate, has established the journal successfully, but will be standing down in 2022. Ideally the new appointee will be in place to shadow Jon before replacing him in the summer.

A formal application should be sent to Michael Ritchie ( [3]) by June 15th, 2022. Your letter should provide an explanation of why you would be interested in taking on this exciting role at this stage of your career, and a brief outline of your vision for the journal over the next four years. It should also include a very brief CV.

Interested candidates are welcome to contact anyone listed below.

Appointments committee:
Michael Ritchie
Corrie Moreau
Jacintha Ellers
Chris Caruso

Current EiC:
Jon Slate [8]

